Monday, September 19, 2011

my trip to nowhere..

Am in a weird place with my emotional baggage stuffed into a suitcase that is old and worn. I don't know what is zipped up... only that it wouldn't close.. I wasn't looking at nice and neat. I had to sit on the damn thing to get it shut. My flight to nowhere was leaving right on time. I arrived at the gate and sat my unopened bag of despair on the conveyor belt. As I was checking in I started singing softly " red rover over, send kris on over". And all of a sudden it was time and i felt my throat constrict and I could not make eye contact with the the person who was in charge ! I actually started cringing in fright as my bag started to move and expected sirens and alarms to start going off..but they made it around the corner..can you believe it? I was given my ticket and hurried along before my past could catch up to me. And once again I vowed to myself that I am not going to be a dark cloud anymore. At least I am going to try. I am not promising blue skies and sunny days folks 'cause I know there is no weather man who can predict the storms of my life. No Doppler Radar that can follow the path of my self it happens.But I can only say in my defense "God it always smells sooo good after it rains"


bs said...

enjoyin the desert? you look good in red!

miwokdreamer said...
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