Saturday, September 17, 2011

just swinging...yawn

I feel like the hanged man right now !! Not doing nothing... not headed anywhere. No destination means - stagnant! Not to worry if one wonders why I use the term hanged man. I am not depressed just restless. I have done tarot card readings for half my life and um yawn its like the major arcanana seem to stick inside my brain like metaphors. Least the Fool is starting his journey..Anyway my bookie is playing scrabble with my mom and getting her butt kicked haha!! I just beat her bad and she had this notion that grandma would let her win. I tried to warn her...but she never listens. Gotta find the WSU game now cause this could be the year. After their first two games that they played and totally STOMPED the competition it just makes you wonder..No it makes you hope and pray that I am going to have something to hold onto and watch as winter settles in around us. Go COUGS

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