Wednesday, October 5, 2011

sleeper cell....

Add another log to the fire jim-bob while i try to explain something about pain. There are so many different faces to pain that you really cannot expect a straight forward answer. Pain is guilty of hiding it's tears behind many a mask so in order to survive..the game that is. But the rules always change and the game always ends in failure. Tears of anger ....tears of shame...tears of laughter...tears of pain. They are not the question you want to ask why why u crying ? who hurt u kris ? more simply put they are a symptom of the disease . The disease of life which is fatal. There is no cure for life. Life is the disease . We are all on borrowed time. What we do and who we are is not going to cure us down the road. It is like we all have been told that we will die one day. But what we do with that fact is why we stay. Some people believe they can race time to the finish line. I say walk and enjoy the view. You and I are different my pain has mutated into a gnarled tree root that lays under the surface of fertile earth. It is there tree of life will survive the harshest winter. My blood has adapted for survival indeed I love the brisk ice air .I could be broke from my heart suffering or twisted in deformed agony. But my body is not broken, even if inside my mind is And even if my mind is spirit lives ! I refuse to wear a nametag with battered spouse or whatever i was at that time in my life. Who needs a nametag anymore when all I need is a smile on my face. Yes some would say counsel poor girl and I would say I am not listening to myself relive dysfunction of the physical kind. That it is sleeping right inside my head. All cozy and warm in a blanket close by the fire. No don't wake it ...let it lie in slumber cause I have got some living left to do. My pain is like an unruly kid that need discipline and time outs if they are going to reach maturity without ruining everything. So you soothe it to sleep and tip toe out the room and you tell yourself that you are gonna find a place to call your own and that is what you do

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