Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I sorta dig this picture and i wanted to use it to blog about something positive. Only because i have had my weekly quota of negativity and ba humbug emotion. I had to open the window today to let the wind enter my domain and lift up the dementia that has become stagnant on my window sill . I feel like my angst of regret of loss anger bitter betrayl lost love depressing joyful mourning sorrow has been wiped off the slate of my life. Okay simply let's say kris actually had a life. And now that i have moved far away from that life of strife hehe. that in a fit of eager bravado i grabbed ahold of the big erasers and started wiping off the chalkboard that held up my wall. I had those really long erasers one in each hand and now they are full of dust and what do i do? I step back and start clomping them together in a sexy kinda move....the kris is free groove!! Aahhhh but now the dust (chalkdust) has settled in my room it is a fine poweder dust coating that makes me want to get out a long ruler and chop out a line.. Like now i am in charge of the road maintenance and i say we need a passing line__. __ __ __. hehe :) NO ....A SOLID ___________________________________ NO PASSING LINE. that would probably keep you up for a week solid line /

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