Monday, October 17, 2011

page turning..

how do you list a taxidermist feat?

This is the next item up for says $49 on craig's list. I know nothing about craig's list and this thing gives me the creeps. The Osprey is my totem and has been for along time. It indeed flies over my sexy beautiful body (heheheh) each time I am floating on my back lost on some back river in time. My hangover has regressed to one of those shame things that is probably not going to bother me as much as it should since there was only one witness or two. Oh and the ground I was throwing up on. I don't know where this thought is coming from but holding this feathered beast in my hands I was suddenly reminded of the nuclear meltdown in japan. Why ? you got me. it is kinda funny how nobody brings it up anymore directly cause i was worried that the birds who migrate from various places..such as over there if they lived would shit radioactive shit onto the soil underneath their flight pattern and so on and so on..enough doom and gloom . enough lessons learned about not drinking daughter and her wife jasper are celebrating their 3rd anniversary today. makes a mom's heart all warm and fuzzy knowing that my child found love.

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