Saturday, January 21, 2012

stir crazy...

sometimes, the frustration of life will delight me with a single teardrop...that tickles as it runs down my face. this single teardrop is made of black raging water that is tearing up my distant shore. sometimes the melancholy of life plays my favorite song. i always close my eyes and hum along. i tilt my head and close my eyes and watch myself move thru another time. the late night of love with faces never seen or remembered
the loud screaming music. the fast cars taking over control of the wheel. trusting the speed to deliver me-where it is i need to go. sliding around curves at breakneck speed..waiting for the ride to end.. i see a single razorblade then my daughter's open wrist. i bow my head and really start to cry once i'm sure that I am alone. God am i really here? is this pain really real? i get so lost in wondering what the answer is..that i can't seem to find my way to where i'm suppose to go. please call out to me. how did i get so far away? so far away from home.

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