Monday, January 16, 2012

the osprey..

sometimes i will catch the wind moving across my skin or drying the sweat off my face and since i am water the wind to me is more like my mother's fingers reminding me that she is a force to be reckoned with. a soft breeze will make me stop and look over my shoulder for my mormon mother's gaze and it is like a warning that i need to be on my best behavior or stay inside hehe. at the casino this morning i almost ran to the pool just to swim. to move through the water or float on my back especially at spring valley i always swim out far from the shore to where the quiet is. when i get there i am home. i can float on my back on the cool blue water and open my eyes and see a cloudless blue sky above me. if not for the osprey soaring above me i might forget which way is up. it is the only thing that gives me comfort... that and cola slurpees

1 comment:

miwokdreamer said...

i wonder about the pull i get to return to spring valley..maybe i am a fish that one of the ospreys snagged out of her wake. it is like i reach a certain spot way out in the quiet and they appear above me..well maybe that high up i look like food. hell i want my ashes spread there when i go. i wanna ride with the wind before settling back down into the earth.