Sunday, January 29, 2012

my father's service hat

could not make it to church this week due to the fact i had to work. last weekend was the only time that i have had sunday off and was able to attend church in along time. we have a new bishop. i also brought my miniscule red hot fuschia ipod with just helps with my joy joy attitude soo much. i must have listened to buckcherry 48 times ...."you crazy bitch". my ears are a little sore inside cause i had it cranked so loud that it was actually pulsing inside my fragile ear canal hehe. i had to turn it down to like 53 though cause it was tickling the hairs in my ear and we cannot have that. sometimes i wonder what happened to my pain and sorrow ? my step is light and frisky and i hum whenever i walk and people are just drawn to me like a magnet. i feel on top of the world like there isn't anything i can't do and i feel beautiful and alive that is until i step on the scale to check my weight...

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