Sunday, January 22, 2012


church was good even though once the doors were opened after sacrament at least 20 people filed in. the little critters were at full volume anytime someone was giving a talk. i banged my forehead picking up a green plastic snake the little boy in front of us kept dropping at my feet. damn it to hell hahah. finished my werewolf novel..crescent moon and am lost in another sookie stackhouse story. the snow has put soo much on hold. i actually am not scheduled for work til friday! today is payday and it will only have a week's pay on it. have been helping my mom get ready for our big move to where..? went cruising by a couple look at's the realtor gave us the address too. there is a calm surrounding me with quiet arms or would that be a quiet holding me with calm arms. anyway hopefully i will have a date next weekend or something soon. i lost a really good friend when i moved to pullman with my old roommate. what is it about being a friend and not having sex thing that just seems to kill my few friendships with men. i wonder why they just cannot enjoy the view..i mean i don't tease, i stay covered and i cook and clean and walk the dog and tell jokes. i am always happy mostly but i am real when it comes to not putting myself back in a position that i don't want to be in. i would even go as far as saying that the sex isn't even gonna be that good so why demand it from me ? i would rather sleep and be friends :) back me into a corner though and i walk simple as that. you know i had your back but you cannot make someone love you before they are ready right? i was in mourning ..not soo much anymore. i am proud of myself though for not going there because it didn't feel right-who cares about money when there is no limit on your credit card ? i mean hello

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