Wednesday, December 14, 2011

the weaker sex...

there i said it ...the weaker sex mmhhh i am thinking must not be female. in fact i know that for a god honest fact and how do i know ..the wind told me. if god worked his way up by creating the insects then the four legged animals and so on and so on until he came to man then there appears to be a hierarchy so can i just stop at this point or what. i have to say it so here goes-the final creation even if woman was made from the rib of adam was definetly female. basically it seems from my point of view that things were created in order of their importance hehe. don't even think to pick up any stones on that one cause i have access to firepower now and if that doesn't work i can work it heheh. being female in a man's world is a typical male response. but we all have to remember one thing-it takes two to make three. i try to remember how lucky i really am when i start to look around at what everyone else has and i question my place in the grand scheme of things. because there is something that will always draw me back to this life if you believe in reincarnation and that is the chance to be a mother. the whole world can be against you indeed life is fatal but i would die a thousand times for the few moments i cherish more than death and that is something that is selfish and needy but it is all i have feel life inside your womb and be a part of the miracle of birth is unlike any drug or any high or any death or anything that life can be is nothing compared to that. i mean we are just a vessel really cause once your children are born they eventually fly away into the sunset after some dream we can't see because all we see is them leaving and it breaks our hearts. they don't really belong to us but that wonder of the whole thing feeds the thirst of existence at least for me

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