Friday, March 2, 2012

criminally insane..

 i saw this guy waiting to cross the street here in moscow who looked like this crazy person i pissed off last time i sat in judge white's courtroom. my heart started beating like crazy and i had to resist the urge to duck my head or my mom would demand to know why. it is mardi gras here so people look a little off. i had just ducked into the annex for my newest show cause and i was a little early-say 30 seconds lol. i hate standing in front of a judge completely at their mercy should they decide to lock you up and throw away the key for a year. which is exactly what judge white had threatened to do to me if i showed up in his courtroom again. it was packed and they had even brought the handcuffed inmates from county to face charges. i found one seat against the back wall and to my surprise i felt a shoulder rub against mine and i looked into the eyes of a mailhandler i use to work with years back that i had dated maybe two times. i could say one that i had sex with one time but by saying i dated a few times you should assume such things. i smiled back but with the guards in place to keep an eye on the inmates it was hard to even do that. as i listened along with everyone else impatiently cause the handcuffed ones always go first i started to notice something going on along with everybody else. there was this old hispanic lady with a shawl who appeared out of the old country and she sat next to her young daughter in the front row. her daughter was very young and very pregnant and very scared. there was this crazy man sitting next to her that was trying to rub her belly. apparently she didn't realize that here in the states it wasn't upto anyone BUT HER as to who was in charge of invading her most sacred space which was ... her unborn child. IT WAS UPTO HER.i just could not let him intimidate her like that. the poor thing just had no clue what to do and was trembling and teary eyed. there sat crazy guy who was  just your everyday average piece of white trash. the more i focused on her mother who was wringing her hands together and trying not to freak out  the more pissed off i became.  she didn't know how to get this freak away from her pregnant daughter.  i mean we were in a courtroom of the law if anything she should have been fine there. i finally stood up and approached the front row like i was the person the judge had called and i tapped the pregnant girl on the shoulder ...she looked up at me with tears in her eyes and i pointed to my seat in the back row. she jumped up and her mother twisted all the way around watching her daughter move somewhere safer than she patted my hand a few times and i smiled at her. the judge kinda stopped there for a moment but i just looked forward and kept my mouth shut. when they were escorting all the inmates out we weren't really allowed to leave the court room but people started talking and this crazy man turned to me just as it was time for us all to rise again and told me loudly...YOU SURE ARE PRETTY. which i ignored and then  he put his hand on my shoulder and stroked my hair and tried to whisper in my ear. and i didn't squirm away like the pregnant girl did i yanked his hand off me and i told him in a deadly whisper... if he touched me one more time i was going to punch him in the face as hard as i could and i stuck my left hand right in his face in the infamous talk to the hand move and crossed my legs away from him, end of story. half the courtroom behind me snickered and i heard a light approval run thru all us part time criminals  and i had a feel good. until i was out front  of the courthouse waiting for cap to pick me up and i noticed that crazy man- right as he noticed me and i was freaked out when he jumped up and came towards me yelling that i had made him look like a fool. he appeared very angry and schizophrenic or  maybe crimninally insane. you never know with someone like that if they just got out of eastern state hospital and what they are capable of. wanna know how i knew he was crazy..? he was laying on his back on the side walk in front of the courthouse steps looking up and commenting on the panties women were or were not wearing as they walked up and down the steps for court. i was soo freaked out i started to walk the 5 miles home just to be away from him and missed my ride.

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