Wednesday, February 29, 2012

the fall...

the last time my ankle was sprained this bad was the beginning of last winter. i had walked down to the community daycare facility in the eastside to pick up my daughter cassidy. we had decided to walk over to the ziptrip on altamont for some candy before we headed back to the house. i had my huge mug with me for my 99 cent refill of pop. i always get half pepsi and half coke. i couldn't remember which one i liked and which one cap liked more so i started doing the half and half. to this day if i take a sip of pepsi i grimace and think..must be the coke i like better. but if i take a sip of coke i grimace and think just the opposite. so it is half and half baby. anyway we had walked past the senior housing place and were waiting to cross by the community center. i am an excellent jaywalker let me tell you i don't need a crosswalk to control my path. we had stopped and were waiting for the traffic to let us pass. which they did of course eventually. i had my two hander mug in tow and had my daughter's violin case strung over my shoulder so that her instrument was riding on my back. there was a city bus pulled to a stop to the right and it was just full of people. i was self conscious as i stepped down off the curb because i didn't have a lid on my mug so i started singing out loud..i'm a little bit country and BLAM I WENT DOWN HARD. i didn't know how bad i was hurt and all i felt was the silent stares from the audience that was watching. i had spilled half the soda down the front of my white coat and calmly told cassidy to take the pop. but she was screaming   MAMA ARE YOU OKAY ? she was crying uncontollably. i thought dammit cassidy cause she was starting to freak me out.i did a quick check to make sure i was not the victim of a drive-by shooting or worse because of the way she was carrying on. i put down the mug and i asked her without looking up is the bus still there? is everyone watching but she was incoherent. so in a split second i just jumped up lickety-split and with one hand in the air waving to the crowd i took a bow as if i was on stage and blew a few kisses with my unscraped hand and picked up what was left of my soda and hobbled to the other side of the street we had just crossed all without looking back. my daughter just stood there while i started to walk off and jumped back to reality and caught up to me in a run. i told myself if she started laughing that i was gonna smack her right there on the street but she was trying to stop herself from crying so guess what? i started laughing and the closer we got to my house the tighter my boot became and the bitchier i got 

the pic is cassidy and i celebrating her bday

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