Tuesday, February 21, 2012

step up...

i fall down on top of my bed ...i did it that way cause i am too stiff to kneel or sit down first. . i feel like i have big bags under my eyes and like i am a million years old. every single muscle in my body is exhausted and is hating on me. i have been a busy girl. well my body has been going thru the moves at work and once off the clock i usually walk home just to have room to breathe. i feel claustrophobic i guess that is why i walk that extra mile and it frees my mind. but today was spectacular as far as maual labor goes. i feel my age and it don't look like what i see in the mirror when i am standing in front of it at the start of the day. i think that is my favorite part of the day. the getting ready part...
must have walked up those frigging stairs 60 times in the past two day. 20 steps each way always with both hands full. so full that i have to open the screen door with my foot. i am burnt out and just melancholy. i did soo much work today the dentist apt, work, wal-mart, the cable , the loading and unloading, even had papajoe's from zip's.
my mom is sleeping overnight at the house. she can barely move because of her legs being sore from those stairs. so i do all the heavy carrying and lifting or moving. it is only right. i am younger. i now have my bedroom with satellite t.v and internet serviced in my room. i don't have to go into my mom's bedroom anymore just to be close to her wireless. i finished all three of my sookie stackhouse books in the past week and have started reading the hunger games. so my mom leaves for the rest of the night after our 4th or 5th trip here and this random guy helps this last unload-i think his name was david. thanks gosh i was soo thankful i could have kisssed him but who needs a stalker at this time right? i say goodbye to my mom and i am glad to be away from her cause she can't just let me be even though i keep having a charlie horse in my left calf . a charlie horse in my left calf muscle reemeber those? they are muscle spasms that hurt like hell. she is like well since you are sitting there how about you move all those books over to that side of the room ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i lock the door and turn off most of the lights and even though we now have working tv's i grab the remote and push the off button. it is my friday and i don't have to be a house keeper tomorrow although my mom is picking me up at 6:30am to bring me back to the house to help a group of ladies from our church clean it up before the buyer moves in on friday.
did i say it is my friday? so busy in the first degree was me. i finally sneak to my room with my familiar things arounds me and even though they aren't where they will eventually be placed they are still in my vicinity. i didn't realize how bad i missed my stain glass tiffany lamp or my body pillow. i flop down on top of my bed. pull up my favorite comforter to the end of my nose and sigh before i start to cry.

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