Friday, January 25, 2008

Invisibility Screams..1/14/08

On December 28th 2007 my tribe, the Miwok people out of northern California were trying to petition the government for recognition. I have a document that says..."in 1579 Sir Francis Drake was greeted by the Miwok Indians". Alot has happened since then. For one the world is high definition not black and white anymore. And who the fuck is Sir Francis Drake? The only thing I know about being an indian is that I do not hold my alcohol well. But in all truth I do love trying.
Anyways when I was pregnant with my oldest daughter Erica almost 20 years ago, I did not have health insurance. But at the time I felt the pull of wanting to further my education. I went to Haskell Indian College in Kansas and God they gave me more than a taste of hope. I was given my class schedule, my books and even a locker to keep everything in. But the sweetest thing was they covered all my health issues as long as I was enrolled at their school. I was so proud of myself. I wanted to believe I could do something (like have a child) at the same time I was pursuing an education. All on my own. I have never met a Miwok I was not related too.
Haskell was proud to have me as they had never heard of my tribe and welcomed me with open arms. It made me feel wonderful for about 4 or 5 days, I slept so good and my step was light. I laughed at the sickness in the world. When I reported back for my orientation they had bad news..seems my tribe had never signed a peace treaty back before when the west was wild and since they were funded by the federal government , they were unable to accept my application.
They were unable to see me
because I had no skin
I was invisible....

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