Friday, October 19, 2012

this day. .

this day i have you
 so begins the first day of the rest of my life.

the weekend is here again so soon already when i wasn't looking it was sprung free from it's locked cage just like me. i feel a bad mood tucked in my back pocket and i don't know why ? it has the feel that is annonying me like a rock in my shoe. i want to keep reaching to loosen it but i don't want it free-not today. we are leaving to pick up my daughter halfway from both our directions is the casino. the dreaded sin city i like to steer clear of because of my mother. the first time i went to the chapel down the street to pray 5 or 6 weeks ago there was a little old lady just leaving. everyday except for sundays i make it  to st mary's. i have grown accustomed to being the only person inside the sanctuary. the beautiful stainglass windows always grab ahold of my imagination depending on the time of day. each one lights up and is soo majestic and alive that sometimes i will actually walk over to it just soo i can bask in the sunlight that is shining through that pane of glass especially if it has jesus lit up in prayer. anyway this morning their was a bicycle parked in front of mary. i went inside and there was actually another human being inside ! it often amazes me why the sanctuary is not full of people praising our lord. or maybe just one or two ? she left soon as i knelt down at the alter on my knees. i forget about time in that place. the spirit is pristine . i can actually feel motion moving by the palms of my hands as i always have my hands raised up towards jesus. i tried to keep my prayer more quiet. but every once in awhile i can't stop myself and i burn with emotion and Glory Glory Glory to you my King echoes from my throat. a Priest or a Father (am not sure with the Catholics) had wandered in and was sitting in a rocking chair in the back.

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