Tuesday, October 9, 2012

inconveniences. .

this is my daughter's boyfriend whom i use to like i guess but you know how mother's are ...things change.  i do know that his mother died of a heroine overdose years back and that he loved her very much. i know that he does not use drugs. he smokes cigarettes and he does not have a job hehe. there are red lights and sirens going off as i am at my daughter's for babysitting duty. i have been there 3 days maybe. my daughter works 3pm til 11pm as a floater. she jokingly tells me mom you are going to stay with us and babysit the kids and me and antone are going to work k? i at first nodded like an idiot and then stated ..oh no no katie see my main priority is to find a job if i am going to move back to spokane. cause it is no fun being stuck somewhere without a boyfriend or income. anyway i have been away for awhile so he doesn't realize how much we care about each other when we are able to see each other. the 2nd day after she goes to work i have already put in 7 or 8 applications in all over spokane and i was pretty sure things were going to work out. as soon as my daughter hands me and not him the last few cigarettes in her pack and walks out the door for work things go downhill real fast. i give him one and keep one for myself. he has a smirk now on his face and starts whining about how hard it is to live with my daughter. she is a control freak but she has a good heart and i love her. she seems happy so i just nod and let him vent. then he says you know i shouldn't even say this (he could probably tell i wasn't paying real close attention) but ever since you showed up here to so call babysit it is impossible to get time alone with your daughter. i mean i plan a night out with friends and she invites you along ! all she wants to do is spend time with you ! i suddenly focus on him and say don't worry she will get over it in a few days, she hasn't seen me in 5 or 6 months but he won't shut up. he then tells me you know what kris ? i hate to say it but you are nothing but an inconvenience to have around. she talks back more and tries to order me around to make me look bad in front of you and i don't have a say because she pays the bills. i jump up and tell him i have to go turn in an application about 9 blocks away. he tells me he would give me a ride but he cannot afford the gas cause he doesn't know what they are going to do after she gets off. i wouldn't have taken a ride from him at that point if he had a pegasus all saddled up. i walk off calm and cool as he is trying to apologize. i make it 4 blocks and him and my grandson pull up and he asks me not to mention our little conversation to my daughter cause it will just set her off whew. i am evil at that point. after they head off to green acres to pick peaches or whatever i head towards the drughouse. i cannot blame him for pushing me in that direction it was another enemy more cunning and able. this is how this page ends but it also is how beginnings start. dope man wasn't home and i am walking back hours and hours later when the van from victory outreach turned and called out to me ...sisiter can we talk to you ? and i replied .. ARE YOU LOST ? that whole thing turned around on me cause i called out to God what am i doing ? why am i here? help me lord !! it wasn't an hour after i cried out that i was delivered from alot of evil by the victory outreach women's home that were driving past me as i walked in my misery.

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