Monday, April 19, 2010

see thru...

What is going on in my head? Am not having a very good day. I tried losing myself in the weeds I was pulling next door. I tried not by being a whore. I tried ..I lied..I cried. I don't know myself anymore. What is it about being without him that makes my heart ache so bad? I could have bent a little and stayed. But I left because he cheated with my best friend. I probably would have stayed if it wasn't about the cheating. If he would have smacked me or screamed at me I would have my home. I lost touch with my roots. My home was always found in his arms, no matter where we stayed. I feel so damaged and ugly. I have no room to grow. I feel like the weeds in our garden blocked out the sunlight that grew my soul. I know a little rain never hurt anything, besides the sun is shining now...who am I to even know?

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