Sunday, December 30, 2012

christmas was a flash of panic from the back seat of my daughter's car every now and then i would look up from the book i was reading and get soo friggin irritated (so of course i started christmas day)we passed two cars that slid off the road around potlatch think that slowed antone down ? no it gave him road rage worse as we had to slow down for the cops . sorry it takes two hours to drive to moscow to get me/ i really was going stir crazy here. but once i had my girls and grandson around me i started to miss the calm that is locked behind the door of my apt. went to a cathdral on grand first time i ever took communion. i have never beeen to a catholic service=interesting with the incense twirler swing that around as they walked toward the alter. i don't know anybody in this rinky dink town and the students are gone anyway. if there was just one single person here who made the effort to hang out or be a friend i know i would appreciate it but nip it in the bud. why am disappointed that the world did not end on december 21,2012. why is i know and understand i am soo done with anything or anyone in this godforsaken place. done done done. well i probably have one good fuck left in me at the rate things are going

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