Monday, October 22, 2012

citizenship. .

so i made it to the chapel to pray and then i wandered round town picking up job applications here and there.  i feel good even though i have  been stalling on ebay. i feel a presence that i am pulling around like a shadow. not a dark shadow. it is light and almost vibrates at a higher frequency than my dense heavy earthbound body. i am holding it in this dimension. it has attatched itself to me.i am having that dream again . the one that plays that song. . the wheels on the bus go round and round

i am standing in the darkness. there is evil all around me. legions
my head is bowed and there is a stillness, like a silence before some tragic event
i am not scared or angry
my sword is broken
i cry out. .
a brilliant light is suddenly alive in the darkness
i believe it is the face of Truth
i hear laughter in the darkness
that is vibrating through the floorboard
i cannot see the thousands of voices
that are in the darkness
because of the light
which is blinding me
i fall to my knees terrified
 and alone
i close my eyes
and the face of truth (god)
melts into a puddle at my feet
i hear feet running up the steps
 to my room
a single hands flips on the light
and i am electrocuted
by a thousands bolts of electricity

NOTE- being saved is like suddenly having citizenship in a foreign country. it all looks unfamiliar  i keep searching for landmarks that i know like the cross. the cross is all i need to find my way back.

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