Friday, May 4, 2012

merit badge award..

sometimes a girl just has to tell herself..thank you for being you !! for keeping your thoughts simply non judgemental when it comes to yourself or others. for trying to be helpful and listening to those around you. for going to bed when you are tired and cleaning up after yourself. for not giving up on the world just because a few nameless faces broke your heart. for laughing when you could have cried. for getting back up when you could have stayed down. for doing the best that you can. for being on time to work every morning. for plucking your eyebrows before they go astray. for thanking God everyday. for appreciating the bird's early morning song. for reading a book instead of sitting in the bar.  for crying alone in the dark is who you are ..

1 comment:

miwokdreamer said...

and the big one..not putting myself in a compromising position when it comes to guys.