the only thing i retained from science growing up is H2O is oxygen and Na stands for Sodium on the elemental periodic table. wanna know how i remember the sodium ? ever since i can remember i have had a certain female issue that happens everytime i get cold-my nipples stick out. in junior high it was my cue to put on a sweater to stop the boys from gawking at me. i was told i had a sodium buildup and that meant Oh shit not again !! sodium and Na . We picked sodium due to the letters Na or nipple action .who says we weren't creative? life was soo simple back then. my mom gets upset with me to this day about what they do- when they do- what they do geez. it is winter after all and i always have on a bra because it is the law here. we were getting ready to go to church and i stepped in the garage for a second and stepped back in the house and she freaked out on me. like i was going in the garage and pinching my nipples as hard as i could just to upset her or something. she keeps bringing me band aids she expects me to put them over my nipples. i tell her no and show her i have a bra on before i put on a heavy sweater. i am not putting band aids on my nipples
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