Wednesday, September 28, 2011

scents off my fragrance tree....

1. I wonder what would happen if my mind was free as a bird...what cage it would find?
2. Today or tomorrow
I will find time...and feed it quiet for lunch
3. I must have had a wet dream last night..I woke up thirsty !
4. If life is complicated and love is a game (like monopoly)
count me out...unless you need a banker or a realtor holding all the cards
5. How could I lose myself...I knew where I was the whole time?
6. Seeds planted in the mind..always grow when watered.
7. If you put people in a position to fuck you...they will.
8.Why does love go astray? It is like you are cruising down the road of life- just the two of you !
Actually going somewhere. Which is the destination...where everyone gets out!
9. What's the odds of losing..the winner never asks
what's the odds of winning ...the loser always asks
10. I like awake and miss you
I lie awake and dream
I lie awake and hold you
i fall asleep and scream


Anonymous said...

There you are!!!!!!!! Treasure came to me! <3 Have missed you.

miwokdreamer said...

i am soo glad you found treasure !! I am doing great really good awesome well happy fine and yeahhhh you missed me kris