I give you the battle and take the war..cause I am not fighting or thinking of you anymore. I feel stable and centered part of the day. I am not comfortable with nothing after all that I gave. But you know I am something .. and you hold on tight. What makes you think that i will be around when you decide that you are ready to have me around. I was blind when I got here. My pain was soo intense. It was not the darkness that stole my sight. It was the brightest bright of hate's burning right. I was in shock and I could not breathe without the cost. it was ridiculous the price we pay. Just like the gas we put in our car. One gulp of breath i took cost me two tears of dread. I sat soo long in the dark, like an invalid . And it has been said that when one of your senses goes ,your other ones will step upto the plate, to make up for the loss. I felt something bumping around in the room. It wasn't a ghost of the man that i love. It was this ...the feeling of longing that set me free. You see the love that i was wanting was found in me. It was something you could never give me to call my own you fed it my existence and it turned to stone. A stray of existence that brought me back.. This beautiful beast found my heart in the darkness..and brought it back like a stick. He waited in patience he barked in haste. He growled at the ghost that wanted me dead. He jumped on my lap then licked my face. I had my first taste of something when instead of walking away..when I wcould not play fetch. (even though it was my heart)He just fell down to lay at my feet. He asked no questions of the tears that fell ..and what time I would be back from my uncertain hell. He took my pain and your madness and led the way. To the world i was missing...hiding inside . Like a seeing eye dog
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