The little body I held, had more strength inside of it than a titanium wall. The little voice I heard was more powerful than the crowds cheering at the Superbowl. The little foot I kissed was more alive than the tracks that followed me. The little noises he made while suckling did more than quench his thirst, it fed me. The way my daughter looked so lovingly at what I held in my arms moved me into another realm of acceptance. I will believe again. Not just in him but in myself. I lost something the first moment i saw him, when i set my baggage down. When I was coaching her ...yelling at her to push. The salt of my tears did something with the heaviness I had been carrying for so long. It dried up and evaporated into the air and was gone. And you know what? Under all that weight there was me . I will never give up . I will always always be here in case you will ever need me little one. You saved me by being born.
1 comment:
mmmm babies. Your baby and her baby and you are someone's baby.
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