God My niece did it..she survived boot camp. All without complaining about the loss of a chipped nail, she did it for her country. To prove that she could serve. She must have squirmed just a little while they were busy chopping off her hair, gnawing away at her identity.I can only hope she did not join for the hat, cause she has always had a
thing for sunglasses and hats since she was a kid. She looks good in the hat.She is smiling in this picture. Please don't ever lose that smile and that fast pitch you can launch into the stratosphere.
She was voted Best Recruit by her peers. She is in Florida now fine tuning the skills she is going to need to bring the planes in..on the aircraft carrier that is going to hold our precious cargo. The war is just
starting to come into focus for us now that she is fixing to wave by at us and ship off to the land of hate and bloodshed. I don't know if she is ready to taste what they are offering, i don't want her to choke and I don't want her to swallow any of
that toxic poison they sprinkle like seeds on the top of their salad.I want her to spit it on the ground and leave it there. To hurl it as far away from her as possible. I wonder though if anybody has taught her to spit..to spit like a man..?
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