Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Nursing home

There is a crowd of eldelry, strategically placed around the t.v. where i work. I bend down to pick up an empty wrapper off the floor and make eye contact with 'cheerful' she starts singing,"beautiful face, beautiful face." Instantly i hear 'grumpy' holler, "Can you shut up ?! I'm trying to watch this show !"
  I look over my shoulder and smile, cause the t.v. isn't on. It's just 'grumpy' being grumpy/

Thursday, October 17, 2013

sobriety sucks

Most people know the day they quit using drugs or alcohol. They will joyfully proclaim to the world, "On october 23, 2011 I will be clean for 2 years. Yippee good  for you ! Not me. It just happened when i wasn't paying attention. It was not a day of celebration. It was a day that will go down in infamy as far as my feel good is concerned


i am at work and i notice a resident going into the wrong room. i walk over to gently let him know. i push his wheelchair into the hall and shut the door. He leans over and looks me in the eye and says," i hate you" with so much hate in his voice that i am speechless. Instead of crying i whisper to myself that i hate me to.

Cat Scratch Fever

My daughter hardly goes outside since she got her laptop and game station. She is like an indoor cat.. We walk outside and she says in a grumpy voice, "What is that ? I don't like it" I put my hand on my hip and tell her it's the wind.