Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Yesterday is behind me . . was a little overcast with a touch of bitchy. I tried everything i could think of - to stay a few steps ahead of the storm i felt approaching. i was at evening prayer. i walked beneath a dark sky and i felt the sorrow of the moon comfort me.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

sitting on the couch with my daughter's friends

I open my eyes and I stare at nothing. I look and I cannot see. I search and I cannot find. I listen and I cannot hear. I focus and I lose my mind. I wait and wonder. Nothing familiar but the loneliness. No one knows who I am. Not even me. They know what I am not. Not a good mother. Not employed. Not anything special. They don't know how far i have come. They don't realize how far i am going. They are nothing but a pair of eyes watching me rise in the morning sky. The world belongs to me.


Today was a most excellent day-for monday ! i woke up in the best mood and then drifted off back to sleep for another twenty minutes or so. I checked my email and two things i had on hold at the library were in. yesterday one of the college educated (hehe) had me come over and fold 3 months worth of clean clothes and paid me $25. I would have done it for $18 dude ! at 1 pm i have an appt to clean house so at the end of the day i will have some extra cash in my pocket. I stretch my arms over my head and there are no aches in my body. my hair is acting well behaved and giggles keep leaking out of the corner of my mouth for no apparent reason.